The Story of a Patron Saint
Nicholas was a priest who lived during the Third Century. His parents were very rich, but unfortunately, they passed away at an early age. Nicholas used all his inherited fortune to support the poor and miserable in his surrounding area. He became a famous priest and was promoted to Saint Nicholas (St. Nicholas) for his generosity and his love for children, sailors, and street vendors. The story of St. Nicholas was passed from generation to generation until a friendlier image of St. Nicholas appeared – the man known today as Santa Claus.
To our core educational philosophy
By adopting a patron saint’s name, the Board of Directors of The St. Nicholas School would like to build a dream school, one associated with a friendly, fairy-tale figure such as Santa Claus, a figure all students know and love.
In addition, we would like our students to learn and inherit the philosophy that St. Nicholas devoted his whole life to achieve. Students in the school will not only know how to dream, but dream amazingly – The dream of finding their true selves in the universe, and in knowing what they will be in the future. In that journey, the students will be trained to learn about Integrity, Creativity, and Empathy. These are the three core characteristic values we would like to build at the school. Each student at St. Nicholas School will be trained holistically to reach their dream careers, as well as making good contributions in the community, just as St. Nicholas had done throughout his life.