There are many reasons why performing arts should play a key role your child’s education, be it in school or as an extra curricular activity. In many studies, researchers are now linking involvement in the arts to better child development and higher student achievement.

Arts programs help build self-confidence. Various aspects of performing arts classes, from improvisation to performing on stage, will help your child build confidence and self-assurance. They will learn to explore outside of their comfort zone, appraise new situations, think outside the box, express their thoughts and ideas in a safe environment, solve problems, cope with performance and presentation fears, and build trust and self-reliance. All of these beneficial tools can be carried through to school, social activities, their future career, and will stay with them throughout their lives.

Drama and performing classes help improve communication skills, concentration, and memory. One of the main advantages of taking part in the performing arts in young individuals is the improvement of communication skills. Acting lessons, for example, will help with their presentation skills, vocal projection, tone of speech, and articulation.

Listening skills will also get refined by taking stage directions from teachers, by collaborating with peers, and working together toward a common goal. From learning new lines, to remembering their acting cues and timing, and rehearsing scenes time and again, your child will improve their focus, memory, concentration, and quick-learning skills.

Social-emotional development. Kids will also improve their social skills by working as part of a team, listening to others and expressing themselves, sharing and making new friends. They will learn to minimize errors and bounce back, solve problems and improvise, giving them the confidence to manage and perform in new situations that come with everyday life. The participation in these types of programs will also help enhance their interpersonal skills because they need to understand their play characters and the different roles, which allows young children to relate better to different situations, people, feelings, and support the ability to be in ‘someone else’s shoes.’ As a whole, the performing arts teaches kids about empathy, compassion, and how to express and understand their feelings and those of others.

Higher academic achievements. Studies have found that creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning increase and improve when arts education is added to the mix. In countries with the highest rankings in math and science, such as Japan, Hungary and the Netherlands, arts and music education form a mandatory part of the school curriculum. As the Arts Education Partnership Report “Arts Education Has Academic Effect” suggests, arts learning in music, drama, and dance is related to high academic achievements in school. As is well-known, learning to play instruments and read music improves mathematical achievement and proficiency. Performing arts programs have multiple connections to reading, verbal and math skills, problem-solving, and creative thinking.

It’s super fun! Arts programs are a really fun way for your kids to express themselves, their emotions, and explore and improve their unique talents. Whether kids enjoy acting, singing, dancing, or a behind-the-scenes role, they will delight in expressing and improving their special talents. They will also have a fun workout in the process, as many performing arts classes improve flexibility, balance, and coordination.

Inspired by their lessons and the passion in performing arts, SNS students show lovely and professional performances at this 1st Fall Music Festival . Audiences will be able to enjoy 19 performances that conducted entirely in English, including piano – storytelling, duet, choral singing, drama, comedy, fashion shows, and especially TED Talks – the famous TED rhetorical model, along with other special performances from students of Academic English Center.
With a serious and profesional preparation in theatre and performances, this Fall Music Festival is definitely not only a nice and memorable experience for SNS members, but also a dream stage for SNS young talents to be sprouted to grow up.

The St. Nicholas International School